Success stories
Success stories
Success stories


23.08.2024, Turkey

Precise screening machine enhances sorbitol production for a leading sugar substitute producer from Turkey

Turkish starch industry leader chooses RHEWUM's cutting-edge technology for sorbitol production

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05.04.2024, Louisiana, USA

Screening drilling barite for hydraulic fracturing (fracking)

A facility in the Southern states of the USA, has enhanced its barite processing for fracking by acquiring two RHEsonox...

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14.12.2023, Shanghai, China

Delivery of 4 RHEsono® screening machines with pneumatic vacuum cleaning to Shanghai, China

Four RHEsono® vibrating screening machines equipped with pneumatic vacuum cleaning technology have been delivered...

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06.03.2023, Remscheid

Insect larvae - smoothly separated with new processes

For several years, RHEWUM has established itself as a specialist in the field of insect larvae separations. Such tasks require...

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14.02.2023, Remscheid

Sugar - custom made to customer specifications!

Sugar is usually offered in different particle sizes depending on sales requirements. Refined sugar, for example, has a much...

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Building materials - sieving with finest separations

Calcium carbonate is a material that originated from the remains of single-celled sea creatures over millions of years of...

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06.02.2023, Remscheid

Quality requirements for sugar - standard for RHEWUM

Sugar challenges manufacturers with special quality requirements. There must be no lumps in the finely sieved sugar. In...

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01.02.2023, Remscheid

Obtain cat litter from clay, with the help of the RHEmid!

All cat aficionados should be very familiar with cat litter, which is irreplaceable for keeping cats in a species-appropriate...

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Keeping Cool: How RHEWUM handles high temperatures

27.01.2023, Remscheid

Keeping Cool: How RHEWUM handles high temperatures

Flue ash is a product that is often produced under extremely high temperatures. A customer approached RHEWUM with the...

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